
Planning and Training

Prepare and execute your goals

It consists of drawing up an annual plan with the definition of objectives distributed monthly and organized into training cycles adapted to the individual. The weekly plan has an indication of the training to be carried out, type, duration, intensity and routines such as recovery, muscle strengthening and stretching. Advice on equipment necessary for your needs as well as a nutrition and hydration strategy in training and in the race. We establish telephone contact, and weekly meeting via Skype or similar to reassess the plan.

Therapy and Massage

Your body is your worth

Since the body is the vehicle to reach your goal, we help you prepare, maintain and recover your body for your most ambitious goals

Internships, Training and Nutrition

Integrated knowledge and evolution

Specific and face-to-face physical and mental preparation very dedicated to the athlete's singularities. Internships in the Arrábida Natural Park with accommodation and services available to their singularities. Preparation for exams or to improve physical condition. Specific bodybuilding plans for recovering from injuries or increasing strength, endurance or muscle hypertrophy. Dietary plans and supplementation for weight loss of fat mass.
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